Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Essay

There was an animator on YouTube called Egoraptor (aka Arin Hanson) whom I used to watch a lot as a kid. His style was (mostly) simplistic due to the nature of animation, but I always remembered it as being very colorful and bright, something that I love to see in artworks. However...

Upon re-watching his animations, I found that it wasn't as colorful as I remembered. The colors aren't bright like I remembered, rather they all stay around mid-brightness, but seem more colorful because of their high saturation levels.

Sometimes, during high-energy moments, Arin likes to use a more monochromatic color scheme. Lots of different colors can sometimes be hard to keep up with in fast moments.

Atmospheric perspective is also used a lot in his videos. However, it is used mostly for things closer to the camera, rather than those in the background. As seen above, the character closer to the viewer is shaded red to coincide with the atmosphere, however the character in the  back is given a silhouette instead.

The same thing applies to this picture with the character and the car behind him.

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